I create stories that influence with authority and increase your sales

Dave Chappelle
Known as Advertorials, Bylines, Directed Editorials, Editorial-style implied content, and Editorials that sell, these articles blend subtle yet sophisticated persuasion techniques of direct response copywriting with journalistic storytelling, into a balanced story that slips your message into your customers' minds, without them realizing you're selling.
It's effective content marketing that converts readers into buyers. Because when they realize you provide the relief they want, they buy.
Why hire me, The Advertorial Ace, for content marketing that brings you more leads and sales?
- Exceptional research ability sets me apart from other copywriters. Few writers are willing to do the deep research necessary to fully tell your story.
- Having written and edited thousands of articles, I know the formula of a great story.
- Developing your stories is fun for me. Getting you more customers is more fun.
- Don’t take my word for it – read what others have said.
Discover how stories bring you more leads and sales
Videos show why you're the one to buy from
Deliver your message to buyers who prefer watching to reading. Are you...
- Demonstrating a benefit of your product?
- Making a commercial advertisement?
- Providing step-by-step instructions?
- Inviting viewers to an event?
- Making an offer?
Contact me to add powerful video to your marketing arsenal
Case Studies: why I'm the right copywriter for you
How a Single Email Boosted Webinar Registration 925%
How A Captivating Story Beat the Company Click-Through Record by Five Times on its First Day
How Inexpensive Videos Combined with Email to Exceed Expected Webinar Registrations 102% - 237%
How Short Videos Demonstrated 10 Most Popular Benefits of Complex Software
How a Copywriter Boosted Salespeoples’ Confidence by getting Sales and Marketing to Collaborate