From one who got away
How many more have you lost?

Ancient businesses tactics as old as these.
You don’t know me.
I saw your business card-sized ad in one of the local papers. The term life premiums quoted were less than half of those offered by the least expensive alternative for me. Naturally I was curious.
So I phoned. A lady answered, “Hello.”
BAD start. Seems I’d mis-dialed a personal residence instead of a business. I apologized, explained my error, and was about to hang up.
Then the lady said that her husband was an insurance broker.
I asked if there was another number for me to call.
After several seconds of silence, she asked if I wanted to leave a message. I left my name and office phone number.
Two days later you still haven’t returned my call. Now I have to buy more term life from an alternative.
Here’s why...
- Personal answering instead of business.
- Not returning calls. If your ad worked so well that you’re swamped, the least you could do is let me know you’re busy, find out when I’m buying, and offer to contact me before then.
- No website. Not even a Facebook page.
You lost me. How many more have you lost?